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Welcome to the Ursuline Sisters Malta
The Ursuline Sisters of Malta were founded in 1887 by Mgr. Isidor Formosa, a Maltese priest, born in Valletta on the 15th November 1851. He was an offspring of a rich and noble family and lacked nothing notwithstanding the fact that at that time many families lived in dire poverty. This was due to the fact that this was an era of unemployment and work was paid by half-pennies. From a very early age his parents warned him that he was not to be seen in the company of those ragged children and the more he was told the more Isidor felt an attraction towards them and was very anxious to help them. Realising how wise and intelligent he was, Isidor's parents were always hoping their son would become a doctor or a lawyer and marry into a well-off family and be surrounded by grand-children. However they were literally shocked when, at the age of twelve he declared that he was determined to become a priest. Notwithstanding the great opposition he had to face. he was determined and never wavered from his decision. Seeing his stong determination, his parents finaly gave in and started helping him reach his goals! He was ordained priest on the 18th December 1875, at St. John's Co-Cathedral by Mgr. Carmelo Scicluna. Our Lord once said, "If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven." (Mt. 19:21) And this young priest certainly did all this for the love of Christ whom he saw in mankind. It seemed as though his wealth did not belong to him as he distributed it with the greatest generosity. Throughout his life this priest heard Christ's Call: "Come follow Me." But he did not follow alone for with him came all those whom the Lord directed towards him, his spiritual children, the Ursuline Sisters, whom he founded on he 4th May 1887. As a Founder, his work lived on after him through generations and still continues to live on. Thousands were those who were lifted out of spiritual and material poverty through his help, care and spiritual welfare. Through him and the Ursuilne Sisters many enountered Christ. Yes, he definitely was and still is the father and the inspiration of the Ursuline Congregation and this enabled him and still enables his daughters to reach out the poor and to the dear little ones who need their help in various ways. |
Where to find the Ursuline Sisters
Sliema: Carm Galea Street, Sliema SLM 09 Tel:21331302
Cospicua: Wigi Rosato Street, Cospicua CPS04
Tel:21664294 / 21827497
G'Mangia: Angela House, Ursuline Sisters Street
G'Mangia MSD 09
Tel:21225420 / 21236630
Lija: 60, St. Andrews Street, Lija BNZ10
Tel:21417004 / 21231458
Msida: 1, Bordin Street, Msida MSD09
Tel:21235121 / 21231458
Rabat: Tal-Virtu' Road, Rabat RBT02
Tel:21454226 / 21454198
Tarxien: 5, Manwel Buhagiar Street, Tarxien PLA04
Tel:21677992 / 21672693
Email: st.ritahome@yahoo.com
Valletta: 29, M'Xetto Road, Valletta VLT13
Tel:21238451 / 21237913
Zabbar: Main Street, Zabbar ZBR03
Tel:21803974 / 21827272
UK: 34 Adolphus Road,
Manor House
London N4 2AY, U.K.
Tel/Fax:0044 208 800 5228
Sicilia: Seminario Arcivescovile
NOTO 96017 SR. Sicilia
Tel:0039 0931 835 083
Sicilia: Vico Pescara 15,
NOTO 96017 SR. Sicilia
Tel:0039 0931 836 483
Catania: Seminario Vescovile
Viale Oderico, Pordenone 24,
Tel:0039 095 333 331
Mgr Isidor Formosa (1851-1931)
Founder of the Ursuline Sisters |